Welcome and a very Happy New Year to you all 🙂 I hope your Christmas and New Year celebrations were full of joy.

I was spoilt rotten with some lovely presents from family and friends. The main present which will impact what crafty goings on I’ll be getting up to is that I received the Dear Jane book by Brenda Manges Papadakis.

I’ve been following a few bloggers as they’ve been working on this iconic quilt and they have inspired me to give it a go. How far I shall get with it is another matter but at the moment I’m really enjoying making the blocks.

Luckily I’ve discovered a few blogs where kind folk have posted helpful instructions and hints and tips on how to make the blocks which as you can imagine will be very helpful. If you know of any then please let me know – the more help the better 🙂

I started off by making what Anina from That Quilt called an easy foundation pieced block and ended up making it twice because I messed up first time round! I’m hoping that was only because I haven’t done much foundation work before and I’ll get better over time (fingers crossed!)

This block is called Florence Nightingale.


It will come as no surprise to people who know me that I’m making the quilt in white and blue.

Here are the first few blocks I’ve done,


Uncle Homer – an easy pieced block


Aunt Exie’s Phlox – appliqué.


Tinker Boy – English Paper Pieced.


Hunter’s Moon – pieced and appliqué.


Batchelor Buttons – appliqué.


and Jane’s Tears – very similar to the last one – pieced and appliqué.

As you can see I’ve chosen fairly simple ones to get me into the swing of things but I think it would be wise to get started on some of the more complex blocks too – I don’t want to be left with all of those at the end!

I dare say that once the first flush of enthusiasm wanes I shall be working on other projects but at the moment this is all that’s on my work table.

Until next time,

Chris x

12 thoughts on “2016

  1. Your Jane is going to be so pretty, all your blues are beautiful. I found by going row by row I had a variety of blocks, simple to challenging. I also made sashing ahead of time so I could sew each row together as I progressed. I was really glad I had because when I pieced the last block, most of the quilt center was sewn together. I look forward to watching your progress. Blessings, Gretchen

  2. Happy New Year Chris! Good luck with your Dear Jane – you have made a great start and I love blue and white. By coincidence my next post is going to be about my Dear Jane! xx

  3. Catherine Carlyon

    I’ve just finished my Dear Jane and it is waiting to be quilted… I need to finish another one before I can start that. There is a reason for this – I haven’t done much hand quilting lately and so just want to get back into it and improve my stitching before the Dear Jane.

  4. I am happy to see you work on your Dear Jane. I really want to start on this quilt. I need some inspiration…. How are you choosing the blocks to make…
    What’s sites are you following to get some help/push along…..

  5. Hello,
    I’ve been following Frances at Fabadashery and her journey with Jane. I look forward to tagging along with you too if that’s alright. Your blues are lovely and your stitching to match. Happy Stitching!

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