Flower Power

Welcome 🙂

Every year my Church holds a Flower festival at the end of June, the ladies who arrange the flowers are very talented and always make the Church look beautiful. This year the group of ladies who make banners for the Church (i.e. me and my super team) have been invited to join in and make an arrangement too. We were very pleased to be asked and especially so when the reaction to us making a display of fabric flowers was met with enthusiasm.

So a talented member of our group is keeping us in order (I understand that’s called ‘co-ordinating’ !) and we’re all getting busy making flowers – very exciting.

The theme this year is ‘Reaching Out’ and is highlighting what the various groups in Church do for the community we serve.

Our humble group has chosen this Bible verse to explain what we’re about and that we try to sow seeds of faith using visual art, as well as making the Church building look welcoming for everyone.

‘Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms’                                              1 Peter 4 v10

Everyone’s been working away making flowers and here are a few that I’m working on.


We’ve still got a long way to go but it feels exciting 🙂

Until next time,

Chris x


Welcome 🙂

I spent a happy half hour or so yesterday making the turquoise block only to realise that I’d made it in the wrong blue which made me check my other blocks and discover that the other block shown here is also in the wrong blue!


SO pleased they are relatively straight forward blocks to redo unlike this star one which fortunately is in the right blue 🙂


G6 Papa’s Star – foundation pieced with more than one uncharitable thought!

I’ve just come back from a trip to Peterborough Cathedral which is hosting another Textile Art exhibition.

This one is based on the artist’s idea of prayer, to be interpreted by others as they wish.

Here are a few of the pieces;


by Jacqui Parkinson

Until next time,

Chris x



Welcome 🙂

Thank you for your kind get well wishes. After a week long self imposed sewing ban my arm felt a bit better, enough for me to decide to do some sewing again but only machine sewing.

During my week off I got down to designing an Altar frontal for my church. This idea has been rattling away in my mind for quite some time so it was good to finally get going with it!

A couple of years ago I made two banners for Advent


and this year I made an altar cloth

The altar cloth is the white fitted cover in this photo.

so it made sense to make an Advent altar frontal to go with the banners.

Here it is in progress (I confess that cutting all those squares didn’t do my arm any favours 😦 )


I worked on it very slowly – only a short time each day and here it is now

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I’m feeling very pleased that it’s finished and Advent is still a long way off – so much better than leaving it to the last minute 🙂

Until next time,

Chris x

Finally Finished

Welcome 🙂

Yesterday I finally got my act together and took the Altar cover and seasonal runner to Church, so here are a couple of photos to show those of you who are interested what they looks like in situ.

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So pleased these are finally finished.

Until next time,

Chris x

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