The Cross and The Crown

Welcome 🙂

I hope you’ve been well while I’ve been away from the computer.

You may recall my little Blog Hop a week or so ago where I managed to over stretch myself and ended up not quite finishing my Blog Hop quilt.

I’ve been busy doing 10 minutes here and 10 minutes there quilting away and without realising it I’ve finished all the hand quilting – so with apologies to those of you who saw it first time round, here is my little lap quilt all completed.


The red quilting stitches really finishes it off and adds that little bit extra.


All that’s left to do is to decide what to write on my quilt label (a block I cut too small during construction!) and then sew it onto the back.


Any ideas?

(UPDATE – This quilt seems to have captured people’s imaginations over on Pinterest so for those who want to know, this quilt is based on a freebie pattern. The link to the pattern is on this blog post here. Happy making!

Oh and if after having a look around my blog you like what you see why not come and join me at my new blog The Mulberry Mouse just here 🙂 )

Last night I went to my monthly quilt group and learnt how to do Somerset patchwork. I thoroughly enjoyed the sewing and chatting that went on. The lady who taught us went to a lot of trouble in preparing the tutorial, even making up a board for us to refer to as we stitched so a big thank you to her.


I came away with a partially completed project – as ever!

However today I managed to finish it off and here it is,


It just needs to be made into something now – watch this space 😉

What have you been up to lately?

Until next time,

Chris x

20 thoughts on “The Cross and The Crown

  1. Your lap quilt is beautiful! And your stitches are nice and even. Looking forward to see what you are doing with your next project. Blessings, Gretchen

  2. Congratulations on a beautiful finish Chris, it is always a nice surprise when a finish sneaks up on you like that. The centre block for my very first quilt at an evening class years ago was a Somerset patchwork block,although I didn’t know it was called that then. I have had that block hanging around for years waiting to be finished and seeing yours has made me determined to get around to doing just that. It will have to wait till our move is out of.the way though 🙂

  3. A lovely finish Chris – the quilting is beautiful. Your Somerset looks amazingly perfect! It’s great but I have always wondered ‘what do you do with it?’ It sounds like you have an idea and I look forward to seeing it. xx

  4. dezertsuz

    Love your quilting on that Cross and Crown – such a beautiful quilt! Glad it moved along quickly for you. At first, I didn’t know what Somerset patchwork was, but I see it’s what I know as 3-D blocks. I love the colors and designs in yours. How great to take the class with your friends and have it finished. I look forward to seeing what you do with it. I once quilted someone’s 3D quilt, and it is a pain not to catch all those pieces in the stitching, but gorgeous.

  5. Hi Chris,
    Your Cross and Crown quilt is beautiful, and your red stitching is so neat. I have a pattern for Somerset patchwork but have never stitched it because I couldn’t think what I would do with it. I look forward to seeing your finish.
    Barbara xx

  6. Debra Stanley

    Beautiful quilt. I love the fabric choices. Can you give me name/manufacturer of fabrics you used?I have never handquilted but am tempted seeing your beautiful stitches.

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