Craft Stall Done and Dusted

Hello and welcome 🙂

Saturday was the day of my craft stall and once I’d got over my nerves I enjoyed meeting and chatting to the people who kindly looked over my stall.

The other stall holders were a friendly lot, I knew most of them already and it was nice to spend time catching up.

SAM_4666This is my stall, I did a practise run on my dining table at home so on the day I was able to set it up quickly.

I didn’t seem to sell very much but I must have done better than I thought because when I eventually got round to counting what was in the ’till’ I realised I’d more than covered my costs and then some!

So would I do it again?

Hmm, ask me in a couple of weeks! For now I’m happy to have crossed off one of my New Year Resolutions – only one to go and I’ll have achieved them all 🙂

I came home with quite a bit of stock and as it would be  a shame to just box everything up and forget about it I’m thinking of opening an online shop. I know some of you have online shops so please drop me a line to let me know which one you think is the best and why. This is all very new to me.

Until next time,

Chris x

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